Get a free test for Hepatitis C

This World Hepatitis Day get a free test for hepatitis C The NHS is committed to eliminating hepatitis C as […]

Stay healthy, safe and well this summer!

The school holidays can bring warmer weather, trips away, more time outdoors and a chance to make memories with the […]

Global IT issue affecting GP practices and pharmacies nationally

We are aware of a global IT issue which is affecting some primary care services in our region. It may […]

IT Issues

Due to an international IT issue we are currently unable to access our computer systems. We are unable to book […]

Smear Tests

If you have been invited for your cervical smear, please make an appointment with the practice nurse. If you are […]

Medicine Waste

Medicines Waste: Only Order What You Need What’s the problem? A report by the Department of Health estimates that unused […]

Friends & Family Feedback

As a Practice, welcome feedback and analyse it regularly to help improve the service we deliver to our patients.

Did Not Attend

If you can’t make your appointment, please contact the surgery to cancel or rearrange it as soon as you can.

Missed Appointments

We realise that everyone can make mistakes, but missed appointments can have a severe effect on many people. Please make […]

Right Care, First Time

Within our practice we have a multi-skilled team including Each have their own specialist skills and it may be better […]