Am I eligible for the Free Flu Vaccination?
- Aged 2 & 3 year olds – Nasal flu vaccination
About the nasal flu vaccination
The vaccine is called Fluenz and is a live vaccine containing weakened forms of the main flu viruses that cause disease throughout the world. It is given as a nasal spray – half of the vaccine being gently sprayed up each nostril.
Fluenz is not recommended for any child who has a severe allergy to an antibiotic called gentamicin, gelatin, eggs or egg proteins. It would also not be given to any child with severe diseases of their body’s defence (immune) system. If this is the case, please contact the practice so alternative vaccine options can be discussed.
Fluenz is not recommended for any child who has a severe allergy to an antibiotic called gentamicin, gelatin, eggs or egg proteins. It would also not be given to any child with severe diseases of their body’s defence (immune) system. If this is the case, please contact the practice so alternative vaccine options can be discussed.
- People aged 65 years and over
- Aged under 65 and at risk
You are classed as ‘at risk’ if you have one or more of the following conditions:
The following medical conditions apply only to those aged over 6 months old, and under 65 years old.
Chronic respiratory disease
– asthma – only if on repeated use of cortico steroid inhalers or systemic steroids or with previous exacerbations requiring hospital admission.
– chronic bronchitis
– emphysema
– cystic fibrosis
– bronchiectasis
– interstitial lung fibrosis
– pneumoconiosis
– Children who have previously been admitted to hospital for lower respiratory tract disease
Chronic heart disease
– congenital heart disease
– hypertension with cardiac complications
– chronic heart disease
– chronic heart failure
– pts who have reg medications/fu for IHD
Chronic kidney disease
– Chronic kidney disease at stages 3, 4 & 5
– Chronic kidney failure
– Nephrotic syndrome
– Patient with kidney transplantation
Chronic liver disease
– cirrhosis
– biliary atresia
– chronic hepatitis
Chronic neurological disease
– Stroke
– Learning disability
– Vulnerable patients (subject to GP assessment) eg Cerebral palsy, degenerative disease of nervous system, MS
– Type 1 & 2 requiring insulin or oral hypoglycaemic drugs, diet controlled diabetes
– Subject to GP clinical decision
– Patients undergoing chemotherapy, bone marrow transplant, HIV infection, multiple myeloma, genetic disorders affecting immune system
Asplenia or dysfunction of the spleen
Pregnant women
Those Aged 16+ with a BMI greater than 40kg/m
Patients in long stay residential care homes
Chronic respiratory disease
– asthma – only if on repeated use of cortico steroid inhalers or systemic steroids or with previous exacerbations requiring hospital admission.
– chronic bronchitis
– emphysema
– cystic fibrosis
– bronchiectasis
– interstitial lung fibrosis
– pneumoconiosis
– Children who have previously been admitted to hospital for lower respiratory tract disease
Chronic heart disease
– congenital heart disease
– hypertension with cardiac complications
– chronic heart disease
– chronic heart failure
– pts who have reg medications/fu for IHD
Chronic kidney disease
– Chronic kidney disease at stages 3, 4 & 5
– Chronic kidney failure
– Nephrotic syndrome
– Patient with kidney transplantation
Chronic liver disease
– cirrhosis
– biliary atresia
– chronic hepatitis
Chronic neurological disease
– Stroke
– Learning disability
– Vulnerable patients (subject to GP assessment) eg Cerebral palsy, degenerative disease of nervous system, MS
– Type 1 & 2 requiring insulin or oral hypoglycaemic drugs, diet controlled diabetes
– Subject to GP clinical decision
– Patients undergoing chemotherapy, bone marrow transplant, HIV infection, multiple myeloma, genetic disorders affecting immune system
Asplenia or dysfunction of the spleen
Pregnant women
Those Aged 16+ with a BMI greater than 40kg/m
Patients in long stay residential care homes
How can I Book my free Flu Vaccination?
- Call reception after 10.30am on 0161 983 9400
- Respond to the text message that you will be sent by the surgery
- Appointments are available between September and March, and it is strongly recommended you have the vaccine as early as possible to ensure you are protected before flu starts circulating.